Let’s Start Talking About Orthodontics!

Ready for some friendly advice and insight about orthodontics? Then you've come to the right place! We understand how confusing it can be when trying to figure out what type of braces or treatment are best for your teeth. We want to help make sure that children (and adults) have all the facts so that the experience with orthodontic care is successful for everyone involved - parent, child, and dentist alike. So let's dig in and begin your journey into learning all there is to know about why kids need braces, different types of treatment available today, follow up care needed after getting braces removed…the list goes on. With this blog post as your companion guide, you'll soon feel like an expert in no time!

What every parent needs to know about their child's orthodontic health…

Keeping your child's orthodontic health up to date is an important task for parents, and one that can help them maintain their smile for years to come! Making sure they have regular checkups with the orthodontist enables you to spot small issues before they grow into big ones, meaning fewer trips to the orthodontist office in the long run. Your child's age is also a factor with regards to their orthodontic needs; at around seven, they may be ready for braces or other treatments depending on the condition of their teeth. Common issues covered by your orthodontists include deciding on the type of braces and ensuring proper care during treatment. Knowing what type of support and guidance to give your child throughout their period of wearing braces can make it much less daunting and help ensure a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come!

How orthodontics can help your child avoid future dental issues…

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child has the best start in life. Orthodontics can be a great tool in helping them achieve this. Good orthodontic care now can make sure that your child avoids future dental issues such as problems with their bite, overcrowding of teeth, or crossbites. With regular checkups and routine treatment plans customized for your child's unique needs, orthodontists can make sure that their teeth stay healthy and strong as they continue to grow and develop. You'll also love how confident your child will feel after getting a smile they’re proud of! So make an appointment today: it’s one simple way to help protect the future of your kid’s dental health.

Types of braces available for children and teenagers…

When it comes to braces, children and teenagers have plenty of options! With so many choices, it can be hard to know which one is best for your family. First, traditional metal braces are the most common type and feature metal brackets that attach to each tooth. Then, for a more low-profile option, clear or ceramic braces offer a more discrete look with brackets that match the color of your teeth. For teens who want more customization, there are also various colors of elastics that go on individual brackets. Of course, Invisalign is another popular choice due to its convenience and removable custom trays that can be taken out while eating and cleaning. Whatever type you choose though, both children and teenagers will have drastically improved smiles in no time!

The importance of regular checkups and cleanings with an orthodontist…

Taking care of your teeth is always important, but for your little one it's even more critical! Regular checkups and cleanings with an orthodontist are a great way to make sure that your child's teeth and mouth stay healthy. Having a professional monitor the growth and development of their teeth over time is key in providing the best treatments to keep that smile looking its best. In addition, orthodontists can provide preventive interventions and early treatments that help reduce the need for more extensive intervention down the road. So don't forget to schedule regular checkups with an orthodontist - it may just be one of the most important investments you make in your child's health!

When it comes to orthodontics and your children, knowledge is power! Arm yourself with the facts necessary to ensure the best care and resulting oral health for them. The exciting news is that there are so many options available today when it comes to braces, your child will be able to find something that not only improves their smile but helps them express their personal style. Remember that regular checkups and cleanings are key to maintaining a healthy smile well into adulthood; start those habits at an early age and you will have taken the groundwork for a lifetime of beautiful smiles in your family!

Curious if your child needs braces? Give us a call today to book a Consult! (403) 327-3410


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