A Guide to Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Part 2

The Procedure

On the day of your extraction, you can expect the following:

  1. Anesthesia: Depending on the complexity of the extraction and your comfort level, your dentist may administer local anesthesia to numb the extraction site or opt for sedation or general anesthesia to induce sleep and ensure pain-free surgery.

  2. Extraction: Once you're comfortably numb or sedated, the dentist will carefully remove the wisdom tooth from its socket. In some cases, the tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal.

  3. Closure: After the tooth is extracted, the dentist will clean the area and may place stitches to promote healing. Gauze pads are then placed over the extraction site to control bleeding and facilitate clot formation.


A Guide to Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Part 3


A Guide to Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Part 1